
SurReal: Latin American Communities in Berlin

Networking gathering with actors from the independent performing arts of the diaspora in Berlin organized together with LAFT/PAP

In recent years, in Europe -including Berlin-, especially since the irruption of the last wave of feminisms and the Ni una Menos movement, and the rise of intersectional discourses, it is increasingly common to find festivals and/or programs that seek to establish a dialogue with Abyayala, known as Latin America. Now, how does this dialogue take place? How are the protagonists of the community involved or tokenized? What works and artists are part of the programs and how are they contextualized? Who is in charge, what are the power structures and how is curatorship carried out? what is the limit between the real interest (research and commitment) and the trend (extractive of bodies and knowledge)? How do these dynamics affect the distribution of works and the creation of community?

PLATAFORMA BERLIN has proposed since its inception in 2011 to provide a space, a platform, that allows us to reflect on these issues with a decolonial gaze. With the Performing Arts Programm we also proposed to open the dialogue in a meeting held last year. This summer we decided to join forces again. We invited, within the framework of the festival activities, to discuss these and other questions, to meet and share experiences and concerns with artists, managers and cultural workers of the performing arts of the Abya Yala diaspora in Berlin. This is the opening to the performances and installations of the festival that will take place from August 1 to 4.

With Jimena Soria (producer, Constanza Makras/Dorky Park), Sharon Mercado Nogales (performer, choreographer), Shantí Vera (curator, choreographer, manager, CUATROXCUATRO), Bárbara Santos (dramaturge, actress). Moderation: Martha Hincapié Charry (Curator, choreographer, performer, director Festival Plataforma) and Belén Marinato (The Berlin Performing Arts Program).

Das Performing Arts Programm Berlin ist ein Programm des LAFT Berlin – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e. V. Das Performing Arts Programm – Performing Arts im Fokus (PAP-PAFO) wird gefördert durch das Land Berlin – Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt und aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE), „Stärkung des Innovationspotentials in der Kultur III (INP III)“.